The MisMosh Story


MisMosh began at the prompting of my sister. "Phillica, you love to create & you're really good at it, you should have a shop on Etsy" I listened to her, but was still unsure. I talked to my husband and many of my friends, who had all benefited from my need to create and they agreed. So, I did it! I opened a shop. I was so excited and nervous, that was November 2011.

As a active duty Army wife, and homeschooling mother of 3 busy, active children; the last several years MisMosh had to take a back seat. I listed things on Etsy periodically, but never really gave the shop my true energy & effort. I never stopped creating or learning to make new things, but didn't take the time to list them on the shop.  

As the years progressed I began to dabble in leather craft, after receiving my brother's childhood leather craft set.  I fell in love!  The different ways you can use and create with leather were a perfect fit for me and my love to explore and try new things. 

In 2014, I began going to local craft shows and had some success which encouraged me once again.  We were stationed to Fort Benning, GA in 2018 and I opened my MisMosh booth at Bluebelle Home Decor and Gifts in September 2019. I was overjoyed when people loved the things I made as much as I did.  It is now February 2021 and I am launching my own website.  I continue to learn and love to create.  I hope you find something you will love as much as I do!

My very first craft show!